The Long Beach Grid Long Beach

17-year-old murdered outside her family’s home in Long Beach

The family of a 17-year-old woman shot to death just steps from her front door in Long Beach is still searching for answers as to why their loved one was shot The family of Brianna Soto Morales, a 17-year-old woman who was shot to death outside her family's home in Long Beach, California, are still seeking answers as to why their loved one was killed. The shooting occurred just steps from where Brianna was walking home from work at McDonald's when she was shot. The Soto family are preparing for Brianna's funeral and yearning for justice for their daughter. Long Beach police are investigating the shooting but have found no witnesses.

17-year-old murdered outside her family’s home in Long Beach

Được phát hành : 2 tháng trước qua The Bharat Express News trong General

The family of a 17-year-old woman shot to death just steps from her front door in Long Beach is still searching for answers as to why their loved one was shot while walking home.

“They’re heartbroken, to be honest; it is not easy without her,” said Sister Camila Soto Morales. “She was like the glue to our family.”

It’s been less than a week since the Soto family said goodbye to their 17-year-old Brianna Soto Morales.

“She was amazing. She’s like my best friend,” Camila said. “She taught me everything I know.”

Now Camila can only hold on to the memories of her big sister.

“She loves this one group,” she said. “One of their most recent songs. She was so happy with it because it had her name in it.”

Camila said her sister would play her music at 7am

Brianna was walking home from work at McDonald’s when she was shot just steps from her home. Mother Ana Morales said she had just gotten off the phone with Brianna around 8 p.m. on March 26 when she heard gunshots outside their Long Beach home. When she called her daughter back, a young man answered, but she did not understand his English.

Ana rushed outside and saw her daughter lying on the ground bleeding. Brianna died days later in the hospital.

Ana said that Brianna’s 18th birthday was coming up and she was looking forward to buying a pink dress for the prom before graduating from Long Beach Polytechnic High School.

However, instead of celebrating these life achievements, her family prepares for her funeral.

Ana said Brianna was a good person who tried to graduate to prove she could do it and make her family proud.

Long Beach police are investigating the shooting but have found no witnesses. The family said they had not found out who the young man was who answered the phone after Brianna was shot.

“How do you go after someone who has done nothing to you and take him away from his family; taking him away from her friends, her loved ones,” Camila said. ‘Why would you do that to her? Why did they do that?

The family mourns a young life taken too soon and yearns for some kind of justice for answers as to why their daughter is no longer with them.

Chủ đề: Crime

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